With the Winter Split well and truly underway we are pleased to confirm our League of Legends rosters for both the @Leagues_GG Winter Showdown and the @NLClol Open Qualifier.
LoL First Team
Top: @xRoskilde
Jungle: @Cboilol
Mid: @MikmerLoL
Bot: @BaybrorLOL
Support: @PederseNNLoL
Coach: @Demblul
LoL Academy Team
Top: @RealXizz3l
Jungle: @Antwere
Mid: @jonatan78077141
Bot: @BjoernenLoL
Support: @Winterzz_
Coach: @Sjaku1
To further strengthen the organisation heading into this split we've signed @Milo_The_Coach as our Performance Analyst and welcome @Futtelicious on board as our Social & Community Manager.
Make sure you don't miss out on anything Nativz, join our Discord, follow us on Twitter and follow our Twitch channel.